With the new year around the corner, we’re all prepared to hear various versions of the same sentiment. It’s a time for changes, for improvement. It’s a time to reflect on where we’ve been and where we want to go. But why do we feel the need to wait for a certain time of year to make the big changes?

This year has been full of changes for me (understatement of a lifetime). I opened a new business, got married, started a new job, and am expecting my first child. My daily routine has changed and changed and changed again. I don’t feel the same motivation I felt a year ago when I was working out daily and looking forward to it. That’s to be expected; motivation ebbs and flows with the changes in our day-to-day lives. But what I didn’t expect was my shift in focus. The past few months, I have allowed things that I’m passionate about to fade and take a back burner, and the gym is no exception. I’ve forgotten my priorities. And isn’t that what the “New year, new me” mentality really boils down to: priorities?
My priorities at REPS are about you, and I am recommitting to those priorities now. This place was built to help you get where you want to be both physically and mentally. It’s here to help you build yourself so that you can then build others. It’s here to build community. Now is as good a time as any to join the community and refocus your priorities. I mean, tis the season after all!