Spring cleaning has always been more of a theory than a practice in my life at least as far as my house is concerned. The deep cleanings and reorganizations are more typically spur of the moment decisions that happen when I have other things I should be doing, like grading or homework. But I've learned that spring cleaning, or the lack thereof, doesn't just pertain to my house.
The first time I completed the 28 Day Challenge was in May 2019. I was out of shape, had no control over my diet, and didn't enjoy working out. My life felt chaotic and messy. I decided I'd had enough of feeling bad about and for myself. I needed a change, and I bet on myself to make one.

In 28 days, I lost 20 pounds.

I lost an additional 10 in 14 days more.
But that first 28 Days was about way more than what I lost. In a month, I gained
a positive mindset
& self-love
just to name a few.
These were things I didn't even realize I was missing. In the months that followed, I would add things like a stronger immune system, community and new friends, a part-time job, and clothes (that hadn't fit in years) to the list. I felt empowered and strong. It began to affect my relationships; I was more positive and more pleasant to be around. I stopped complaining and focusing on negatives so much. Three years later, I have a business that ultimately sprouted from that May in 2019. Those 28 Days transformed my life, tacky though that may sound.
Since that spring, I have completed at least one challenge each year. It is my "spring cleaning" when I can reset and refocus my priorities. It's when I take time to do something for myself and prove to myself that I can. This May is no different. In this current season of life--month 9 of pregnancy--I'm just as ready to begin as I was in 2019. I'm excited to prove to myself what I'm capable of, and I want you to join me.
The 28 Day Challenge is a nutrition kit that includes daily supplements and a diet guide. It is super easy to follow and calls for normal foods that you're likely already buying at the store. In addition to the meal plan, the challenge includes one month of workouts at REPS and an exclusive Challenge t-shirt. I'm excited to share this opportunity because it is something I believe in clear to my core. I want you to feel the same transformation that I did because proving to yourself that you are capable of hard things is the most rewarding cleanse in any season.