It's the hap, happiest season of all, or so they say. But let's be honest: this time of year is chaotic. Yes, it's a lot of good chaos, but it's chaos all the same, and that's stressful. In my life, this time of year means lots of assignments to grade and grades to finalize. It means students freaking out about their grades. It's Christmas shopping and shopping bills. Christmas parties, family gatherings, decorating, wrapping, cooking (so much freaking cooking), and the list goes on. It can be overwhelming, but I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. So how do we get through it all with (most of) our sanity? My simplest answer: community.

Baby O isn't even here yet, but I already understand that it takes a village because it takes a village just for me to operate successfully. Thankfully, I have a support system, and the gym is a huge part of it. REPS is so much more than a building with weights in it. The people are what make this place. We are a community that supports each other and builds one another up in and out of the gym. We are there for each other whether it's to spot someone when they are bumping up their weights or to gather for an evening of socializing and de-stressing. We're there to hold each other accountable and to encourage when it gets tough and stressful and chaotic. We have built a community that helps us build ourselves.
It's the most wonderful time of year to have a support system you can rely on; join ours because one thing I know about this amazing community is that the more really is the merrier.